“All the Profoundly Important Steps People Must Know
 This Really is the Ultimate Guide to Longevity & Anti-Aging!”

The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit

Over 175,000 attended our groundbreaking online event,The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit, earlier this year, and heralded it as “truly life-changing” and even “life-saving.” You’ll see why below!

And right now you’re still getting the complete recordings and transcripts of the entire summit for 55% OFF  – PLUS $1084.87 in immediate BONUS gifts and a ZERO-RISK 60-Day Total Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee!

If You Ever Worry About...

You’ve Not Only Got Hope

You’ve Now Got the Proven Fastest, Most Effective Answers from the World’s Most Trusted Doctors and Researchers


  • * “I didn’t know what to expect. Outstanding! My eyes are open.”
  • * “Truly enlightening.”
  • * “Excellent speakers and I learned quite a bit.”
  • * “Today’s information was amazing!
  • * “Phenomenal. Thanks so much, Brian.”
  • * “Wow – this was fantastic! As a nurse, I know this great information is transformational! “
  • * “Very important, and exciting and positive people.”
  • * “This is great!!! Thanks for doing this and bringing in the added element of honoring women as they grow older.”
  • * “A true eye opener.”

“Please do yourself a favor and don’t miss a moment of this monumentally important summit. Brian Vaszily is renowned for getting the truly valuable insights that make the biggest difference in people’s lives from those he interviews. And in this unique summit, he’s going to have the world’s top longevity experts reveal their most powerful but little-known insights of all, so it is going to be a life-changer.“

—Jason Prall, leading longevity researcher, The Human Longevity Project

“This summit promises to be one of the most important events in years. Who doesn’t want to learn little-known steps that make the biggest difference in terms of looking and feeling your best and living long? And the host, Brian Vaszily, is super smart and FUN, so you’ll not only attain life-changing insights, you’ll have a great time doing it!”

—Susan Peirce-Thompson, PhD, NY Times bestselling author, Bright Line Eating

“My friend Brian Vaszily, a natural health veteran with over 2 decades experience, had a challenging first half of life, to say the least. He’s turned that into a mission to help others through whatever challenges they may be facing. Brian’s courage, passion, and wisdom shine through in his endeavors, and I know this summit will be an extraordinary next step. When you tune in, and apply what you learn, your life will grow in health and in happiness“

—Ocean Robbins, CEO & Host, Food Revolution Network

You Deserve Clarity On The Most Important Steps To Take Now ↓

Hi, Brian Vaszily here, founder and host of The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit.

And those comments above are just a small taste of the incredible “buzz” this once-in-a-lifetime summit generated.

And right now, you can own this entire summit – all 22 full-length and truly health- and life-changing interviews, and written transcripts of all of those interviews – for 55% OFF with a ZERO-RISK 60-Day Total-Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee!

Because here’s the BIG PROBLEM

Today we’re bombarded with so much nonstop health “advice.”

It can be confusing to know the true most effective steps to take right now to look and feel your best
 avoid and even overcome health problems
 and live long doing it.

Furthermore, so much of what you hear is the same basic “advice” repeated over and over.

(YES, this can even be dangerous, because with so much “noise” and repetition out there, you may be entirely missing the key steps that make ALL the difference
 or possibly even be taking the wrong steps that can cause harm.)

Nothing is More Crucial Right Now

That is why you need and deserve total clarity on the secrets that will help you most starting right now.

And that is why The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit that reached over 175,000 people earlier this year generated so much incredible buzz

Because you’re not merely going to discover “some” possibly interesting and worthwhile insights.

You’re about to discover THE most powerful steps to start taking right now to make certain, whatever your age or circumstances, that these years are the best years of your life.

That’s because I gathered 22 of the world’s most renowned and respected anti-aging and longevity doctors and researchers.

And they are each revealed their 3 to 5 most life-changing secrets for you to look and feel your amazing best
 avoid and possibly even overcome disease
 and live a long life doing it.

And what could be more important than that, right?

You’re Getting the Complete Picture

Plus, these top doctors and researchers come from different areas of expertise, so you’re getting the complete picture you need.

This includes today’s top experts in nutrition, longevity, immunity, brain health, skin health and beauty, hormonal health, heart health, bone health, liver health, and more

And it includes today’s top experts in avoiding and overcoming cancer, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, overweight, anxiety, depression, pain, fatigue, and much more.

This is Why You Truly Don’t Want to Miss a Moment

As you can tell, awaiting you in this particular summit are the “diamonds” that will make ALL the difference for you personally.

Yes, you don’t yet know from which speakers they’ll all come, but you can be certain they will come

And that is why you don’t want to miss a moment of this once-in-a-lifetime summit.

Now, each of these 22 essential interviews lasts about 45 minutes to an hour.

Plus, I even share important little-known secrets that will help you avoid and fight disease and look and feel your best in between each interview.

In all, that means over 22 hours of true life-changing gold for you.

So, YES, that is why you’re going to want to own the complete summit recordings — and written transcripts of each and every interview – for life.

Because the best way to hear it and read it all is on your own schedule at YOUR convenience
 where ever and whenever YOU choose
 and however often you choose

And right now, you’re getting the complete recordings and written transcripts of the entire Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit for 55% OFF today before the price goes up

PLUS, right now you’re also getting 22 powerful bonus gifts that are life-changing in their own right — worth over $1084.87 — FREE today.

And remember you have ZERO WORRIES, because you’re protected by our ironclad No-Risk 60-Day Total Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. You’re going to love this complete and essential life-changing summit; in case you don’t, though, you’re getting a full, prompt, and courteous refund, and we’ll still be friends!

“With the top experts addressing such a crucial question, this new online summit certainly promises to open eyes and change lives. My friend Brian Vaszily, the host, has been a positive force in the natural health world for over 20 years, his mission at The Art of Anti-Aging is so important, and this summit is the pinnacle of that mission.”

- Nick Polizzi, Top indigenous & ancient medicine researcher, filmmaker, The Sacred Science

A Very Special Offer for You Today...

Get Your Unlimited Access to ALL the Expert Interviews PLUS Complete Written Transcripts PLUS $1084.87 in Bonuses PLUS a Risk-Free 60-Day TOTAL Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee

Learn at YOUR convenience, when and where YOU choose:
Computer, phone, tablet, book
 car, travel, home, anywhere.

Normally $197

Right Now Only


Isn’t It Time We END the Abuse of the Elderly?

With your order today, we make a donation to The Ageless Alliance.

You see, though you may not hear much about it, the problem of elder abuse is rampant today. It’s estimated that up to 2 MILLION Americans over 65 have been mistreated, exploited, or injured by a caregiver.

Marilyn was one of them.

At 82, Marilyn was moved into an assisted living facility due to her worsening Alzheimer’s disease. The facility’s caregivers were warned that Marilyn was a high fall risk and they promised to take all the necessary precautions to protect Marilyn.

But after only 10 days in the facility, Marilyn fell and fractured her hip. Worse, her caregivers failed to do an adequate post-fall assessment or even call a physician.

Instead, Marilyn was left suffering in pain in her bed without treatment. She died less than a week after finally being taken to a hospital.

This is someone’s mother and grandmother. These are human beings.

Horrifying stories like this do not have to happen for another day. You can help us put an end to elder abuse. Because we believe deeply in helping others, and with every Empowerment Package order today, we make a donation to the Ageless Alliance.

Ageless Alliance is a non-profit dedicated to ending the abuse of the elderly in nursing homes and elsewhere. Because the elderly deserve to live in comfort and peace, not fear and pain.

Please order today and join us in our fight to expose and END this atrocity. Thank you.

“With so many of the world’s top longevity and anti-aging experts in this one event, and Brian’s crucial question for them, you’re in for a truly life-changing experience. Especially because Brian has a remarkable ability to pull the best out of those he interviews, and with his decades of health research his own insights are so important in their own right.”

—Jonathan Otto, researcher, filmmaker, Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets

And THANK YOU for Supporting Our Mission

Yes, The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit will change your life
 and with your summit Empowerment Package order today, you are helping us change many other lives, too!

Because this is even more than just a life-changing summit
 it’s the pinnacle of a much-needed movement that you can feel proud to be part of.

You see, we’re on a mission to help people completely bypass the widespread yet unnecessary worry, fear, and confusion of getting older (heavily pushed by the multi-billion dollar cosmetic, pharmaceutical, drug, and other industries who benefit big time from the anxiety by selling their often-toxic “solutions”)

 And to instead provide total clarity and empower people with the proven most effective solutions to look their best, feel amazing, avoid and overcome disease, and live a very long life doing it.

YES, your order today enables us to reach others, so on their behalf and from the bottom of my own heart

Plus, You'll Get Instant Access to
Over $1084.87 of Important Bonus Gifts!

Right now, when you order the Empowerment Package, you’ll get immediate access to over $1084.87 worth of truly valuable bonus gifts FREE with your order today, such as

Ocean Robbins’ ENTIRE 2019 Food Revolution Summit!
The Complete Women’s Guide to Solving Depression & Anxiety
Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s Eat to Live 6-Week Quick Start Guide
The Entire 7-Day Deep-Sleep & 7-Day Anti-Anxiety Audio Series
Dr. Mark Hyman’s Complete Definitive Food Shoppers Guide
The Brain Rejuvenation Guide, the must-read book by Sayer Ji
Dr. Sands’ Hormone Balance Blueprint & 7-Day Hormone Recharge
Vibrant Glow: The Secret to Visibly Reducing Your Age
Curing Stage 4 Cancer and Terminal Liver Disease
Dr. Zielinkski’s #1 Bestseller, Heal Your Gut with Essential Oils
PLUS 13 MORE FREE GIFTS (see the complete list further below↓)

“Brian brings deep knowledge, a big heart, and a gift for pulling the best out of those he interviews. If you’re truly looking to make positive changes this year, don’t miss a moment of this particular summit.”

- Dr. Pedram Shojai, NY Times bestselling author, filmmaker, Interconnected

Please See How You Feel About THIS...

You likely already know $197 $88 is a very small investment, considering what you’re going to discover from the doctors and other top experts in The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit will help you — like nothing else possibly can, considering these are the most powerful secrets being revealed — look and feel your amazing best
 fight and avoid serious diseases
 and live long and well.

And to put that $197 $88 in even more perspective, please consider this

The fact is, whatever your age or condition right now, what you’ll discover in The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit 100% will help you save significant money in those areas starting this year, and certainly throughout the course of your long life!

Money you can spend instead enjoying life to the fullest: traveling
 doing fun things with your family
 pursuing your favorite hobbies
 and even checking off those dream “bucket list” things you’ve always wanted to do. And even more important, holding on to your precious independence.

Of course, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Because the value in ending and avoiding anxiety, low self-confidence, irritability, depression, and other unwanted moods, and of course in avoiding brain fog, pain, and serious diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer…

Well, who wouldn’t agree those benefits are priceless? 🙂

It Really Is Time to Say ENOUGH is ENOUGH (agreed?)

By now you’ve likely heard me mention this. It bears repeating though…

We really do live in an undeniably youth-obsessed world that pummels people — especially women — with some very destructive lies about getting older.

These lies push the toxic belief that getting older EQUALS becoming increasingly undesirable, doomed to suffering and disease, and past your best years.

And the big cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food companies play deep into the fear and anxiety, making BILLIONS off toxic cosmetics, foods, and drugs that can actually cause early aging and worse.

Those toxic beliefs — and the toxic foods, pills, and cosmetics they push so hard — are hurting people’s quality of life, provoking anxiety, fear, guilt, confusion, and low self-confidence…

… And they’re seriously harming the very length of people’s lives, fueling epidemic rates of cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and heart disease.

If you heard my own personal story, you know powerful women are the very reason I’m still alive today.

So frankly it disgusts me that as they get older and should be most celebrated, women especially instead have to face all the anxiety, sadness, and confusion perpetuated by these aging lies
 and the industries behind them.

It’s time to say enough is enough.

Now is the time to become informed, empowered, and take action. You deserve the clearest, most effective answers. You deserve the truth.


And please know this

When you order the Summit Empowerment Package, you’re also supporting our mission to help others bypass the toxic beliefs and their toxic “solutions,” and instead become empowered with the truth, too.

Please consider supporting our mission and taking advantage of the 55% Early Bird discount today.


Get Unlimited Access to the Expert Interviews PLUS Complete Transcripts PLUS Over $1084.87 Worth of Bonuses Right Now

Get Your Unlimited Access to ALL the Expert Interviews PLUS Complete Written Transcripts PLUS $1084.87 in Bonuses PLUS a Risk-Free 60-Day TOTAL Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee

Learn at YOUR convenience, when and where YOU choose:
Computer, phone, tablet, book
 car, travel, home, anywhere.

Normally $197

Right Now Only


Below is Just a Taste of What You’ll Learn

Take action now and bring the Summit home.

So, what kind of secrets will you discover when you choose to get the Summit Empowerment Package for yourself?

By know you probably know I’ve worked closely with many of today’s top doctors and other health experts for over 20 years. Out of many dozens, I personally chose the 22 renowned and highly trusted doctors and researchers in The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit for both the range and profound depth of life-changing insights I know they’ll provide you.

So, of course I’ve had multiple conversations with them in advance and have a good understanding of at least some of “the little-known, most life-changing secrets” they will each be revealing to you.

Therefore, here’s the schedule and a “taste” from each of them from my own notes

Day 1

The Longevity Switches, Brain Decline, Cancer, Surprising Super-Drink, Stroke, Depression

David Sinclair, PhD., AO

Top Harvard Medical School longevity researcher, winner of 35+ major awards, named “One of the World’s 100 Most Influential People” by Time magazine.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from David

Most people are making big mistakes that are turning OFF their longevity genes. Here’s what you need to know to turns yours ON
 regardless of your age, condition, or previous habits.

Ocean Robbins

World-renowned, award-winning nutrition expert and #1 bestselling author. Co-founder of the half-million-member Food Revolution Network.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Ocean

Research shows one simple change to this routine activity can help you fight depression and infections, boost immunity, improve sleep, and even improve your skin and hair

Dr. David Perlmutter

Globally acclaimed neurologist. Winner of prestigious awards for longevity & brain health innovations. #1 NY Times bestselling author. Featured on 20/20, Oprah.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Dr. Perlmutter

Most people believe they have little control over this. However, research shows 90% is under your control
 and this means everything in terms of how long and how well you live!

Day 2

The Big Mistakes, Anxiety, Pain, Depression, Leaky Skin, 80% of All Breast Cancer, Heart Attacks

Dr. Pedram Shojai

World-renowned Doctor of Oriental Medicine & Taoist Monk. New York Times bestselling author. Director/producer of groundbreaking hit films.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Dr. Shojai

Nearly everyone today is making a very UN-holistic mistake that leads to unnecessary suffering and disease
 here’s the roadmap to avoid that.

Dr. Eric Zielinski

Widely celebrated natural health and anti-aging pioneer. Producer of hit film The Hope for Breast Cancer. Author of #1 bestsellers on essential oils.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Dr. Zielinski

It’s one of the most powerful “little-knowns” of all. It can be challenging. However, in terms of fighting pain, anxiety, depression, heart attack risk, and more, it can truly change your life.

Dr. Kristi Funk

World-famous surgeon, breast cancer & breast health M.D. to celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Sheryl Crow. Known for innovative, non-invasive solutions.

Here’s a taste of just one of Dr. Funks’s little-known life-changers

What you truly must know to fight and avoid breast cancer, and all cancer. (And what you must know about breast discharge and more.)

Day 3

Dangerous Health Food, Cancer, Heart Attack, Autoimmune, The Super Herb, Turkey Neck

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

World-renowned M.D. legendary for reversing disease with nutrition. 7-time NY Times bestselling author including Eat to Live. Advisor to Dr. Oz.

Here’s a taste of the little-known life-changers from Dr. Fuhrman

The life-shortening mistake people are making with nature’s most cancer-fighting, life-extending food. And
 a very widespread and dangerous “health food” myth busted.

Robyn Openshaw, MSW

Globally acclaimed detoxification & longevity expert. Founder of top natural health site. Bestselling author of 15 books. Former clinical psychotherapist.

Here’s a taste of just the little-known life-changers from Robyn

The incredibly powerful habit that prompts your body to destroy cancerous growths
 rebuild essential parts of your nervous system
 reduce blood pressure and more.

Nick Polizzi

Top indigenous and ancient medicine researcher and hit filmmaker celebrated worldwide for revealing top natural alternatives to conventional approaches.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Nick

The little-known ancient super-herb that elevates energy, boosts immunity, helps sleep, and rebalances your body.

Day 4

The Missing Link, Fatigue, Hormones, Cancer, Heart Disease, Cellulite, Thyroid, Skin, Purpose

Ari Whitten

World-renowned energy and fatigue specialist whose cutting-edge, evidence-based approaches have helped many thousands often double their daily energy rapidly.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Ari

The biggest secret you almost NEVER hear on how to avoid and fight fatigue, neurological disease, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.

Dr. Michelle Sands

Widely acclaimed hormone and epigenetics expert and ND featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and USA Today for her powerful innovations in women’s health.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Dr. Sands

The most widespread hormone imbalance in women, the havoc it causes, and what to do. (Plus, if you suffer fatigue or “brain fog” and your doctor says this, RUN the other way!)

Dr. Michael Murray

Legendary 35-year veteran widely considered one of the world’s top natural health authorities. Featured on 20/20, Dateline. Over 6 million copies of his 30+ books in print.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Dr. Murray

The one KEY question you must answer if you truly want to live longer and better, and a powerful and unique “priming exercise” to help you answer it.

Day 5

“Unexplained” Symptoms, Bones, Menopause, Skin, Worry, Brain Fog, Cravings, Inner-Peace

Dr. Daniel Pompa

One of the world’s most sought-after experts in neurotoxic and “unexplained” conditions like pain, fatigue, and “brain fog,” and a 25-year natural health veteran.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Dr. Pompa

If you have any “unexplained” symptoms, you need to know about the FAR too little-known but widespread toxin that disrupts receptors in your brain and may be causing them.

Dr. Lani Simpson

Widely acclaimed bone health/osteoporosis, menopause, and skin health expert with 30 years of experience. Host of popular PBS special Stronger Bones, Longer Life.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Dr. Simpson

Why women – starting the year before menopause, during menopause, and in the 5 to 7 years after menopause – can lose 20% of bone density
 and what to do about this now.

Cory Muscara

World-renowned mindfulness and positive psychology teacher and frequent Dr. Oz guest who lived 6 months in silence as a monk in Burma.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Cory

If you ever or often find yourself consumed by worry and fear, this can lead to fast and radical improvement

Day 6

“Unexplained” Symptoms #2, Dementia, Gums, Cancer, Trauma, IBS, Autoimmune, Parasites

Jonathan Otto

World-renowned investigative health journalist and filmmaker whose trailblazing films on depression, anxiety, autoimmune disease & more have helped millions.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Jonathan

This little-known infection may be so widespread it could be classified as epidemic. It affects mental health and causes other disease
 and these powerful plants can combat it.

Jonathan Landsman

Acclaimed 30-year natural health veteran and popular talk show host who’s created over 500 programs with over 300 top experts on cancer, Alzheimer’s, and more.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Jonathan

People are not getting nearly enough of this one crucial vitamin, yet it’s simply essential to fight cancer, autoimmune, and other diseases, and to fight bacterial and viral infections.

Jason Prall

Famed researcher of the world’s longest-lived people. Inspiring filmmaker of the global smash hit, The Human Longevity Project.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Jason

Why, based on years of research and interviews with the longest-lived people, all health catastrophes are ultimately the loss of this one thing you can most certainly restore

Day 7

Successful Habits, Enemy #1, Good Moods, The 3 Spices, Avoiding Death, Better Than Silence

Wendy Wood, Ph.D.

World-renowned expert on how to form new habits and break old ones. Featured in The New York Times, Time magazine, USA Today, NPR.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Wendy

The 3 research-proven keys to successfully develop any health goal or other goal into a true lifelong habit
 and to successfully break bad habits.

Dr. Mark Hyman

11-time NY Times bestselling author, functional medicine pioneer, internationally famous M.D. Medical advisor to Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, CNN.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Dr. Hyman

The certain “Institutes” that may be enemy #1 to avoiding disease and living long.

Dr. Michael Greger

Globally esteemed M.D. & groundbreaking nutrition expert. #1 NY Times bestselling author of How Not to Die. ACLM Lifestyle Medicine Trailblazer Award winner.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Dr. Greger

The 3 things everyone should add to their diet, the 3 things everyone should remove from their diet, and the 3 spices Dr. Greger consumes daily – and why.

Razi Berry

Founder of award-winning health journals. Inspiring host of the Love is Medicine show.
AANP’s prestigious Champion of Naturopathic Medicine award winner.

Here’s just a taste of the little-known life-changers from Razi

The three sounds that reduce stress 30% MORE than total silence
 and the often-frowned-upon activity that is actually EXCELLENT for you because it releases stress and quickly boosts mood.

Own the Entire Summit:
Get All 22 Interviews + Transcripts

Get Your Empowerment Package & Support Our Mission

Regular Price: $197

Fast Action One-Time Offer: $88

SAVE 55% right now on this page. Plus, you’re getting $1084.87 in instant FREE bonus gifts and the No-Risk 60-Day Total Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.

Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal

The Elderly Deserve to be Treated With Dignity Versus Suffering Abuse. Who Doesn't Agree With That, Right? Nonetheless...

For every Empowerment Package purchased, we make a donation to the Ageless Alliance, a non-profit dedicated to ending the abuse of the elderly in nursing homes and elsewhere. Because the elderly deserve to live in comfort and peace, not fear and pain. Unfortunately, the abuse of the elderly is a widespread yet far-too-little-discussed problem because it’s hidden behind closed doors: it’s estimated that 1 in 10 of the elderly — and 1 in 2 of those with dementia — suffer such abuse. We’re dedicated to exposing and eliminating this atrocity.

Do Any of These Apply to You?

You want unlimited access to all 22 interviews so you can listen when and where you choose — such as at home, in your car, while walking, or exercising – as often as you choose (and with all the powerful secrets being revealed, you’ll want to hear certain interviews multiple times).

Your schedule doesn’t allow you to listen to all the presentations live for the 7 days, and you’d rather listen at your convenience to make sure you don’t miss any information that could be critical to you.

You’d like written transcripts of each interview, so you can quickly review them on your phone, computer, or tablet — or print them out if you choose — and always have their powerful guidance and how-to insights at your fingertips.

You want an easy way to share these important, life-changing interviews with your family and friends.

You want real solutions that are free of dangerous chemicals, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, or GMOs.

You want proven answers from the world’s top experts so you can finally experience the results you want.

You appreciate both the clear steps and the right inspiration to be certain these powerful anti-aging and longevity secrets become your reality.

You want the proven most effective secrets to avoid and overcome disease and problems like fatigue, pain, brain fog, and much more

You’d LOVE to look as young as you ought to look and feel amazing, so that others can see the visible improvements in your face, skin, and body
. and in your mood and energy.

You want a collection of powerful bonus resources worth over $1084.87, all important tools that will ensure you look and feel amazing and live long doing it.

You appreciate knowing that with every order we make a donation to the Ageless Alliance, a nonprofit dedicating to ending the abuse of the elderly in nursing homes and elsewhere (a widespread atrocity that gets far too little attention).

And YES, you’d love to support our important mission of helping people bypass those destructive myths about getting older — and the toxic “solutions” that come with it — and instead be empowered with the real answers to start living their best years now, too

Then order the summit recordings & transcripts with ZERO RISK and the very special EARLY BIRD offer on this page now!

You’ll be able to listen to and read all the interviews for life
 enjoy over $1084.87 worth of bonuses to protect you and your loved ones and enjoy peak physical, mental, and emotional health
 and you’re getting it all with the No-Risk 60-Day TOTAL-Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.


Get Your Empowerment Package & Support Our Mission

Regular Price: $197

Fast Action One-Time Offer: $88

SAVE 55% right now on this page. Plus, you’re getting $1084.87 in instant FREE bonus gifts and the No-Risk 60-Day Total Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.

Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal

”A world of evidence-based wellness pearls exists that can make a profound difference in how long and how well you live. My deeply insightful (and fun!) friend Brian Vaszily has gathered together many of today’s top doctors and researchers who provide you the most powerful of those ‘little-known life-changers.’ Do yourself a favor and listen closely to this important summit!“

—Dr. Kristi Funk, MD, world-renowned breast health expert

What You Will Soon Discover Will Change Your Life. Share It With Others and It Will Change Their Lives, Too.

You won’t appreciate The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit, though, if

You have no concerns about you or your loved ones getting Alzheimer’s, dementia, or suffering other brain issues as you get older.
You’re not interested in the most powerful secrets to fight cancer, autoimmune, diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases
You believe that getting older actually does mean becoming undesirable, incapable, doomed to suffering and disease, and past your best years.
Wrinkles, “turkey neck” and other sagging skin, age spots, bad posture, and other signs of early aging and looking too old too soon don’t bother you.
You’re willing to put up with that extra weight on your body, even if it means reducing the quality and length of your life.
With the overwhelming amount of “advice” out there, so much of it hype, you aren’t sure what truly works best… and you’re fine with that confusion.
You believe the 20s are the pinnacle of life, and hitting your 40s and beyond does mean, “It’s all downhill from here”
You’re willing to suffer the pain, low energy, and poor moods that come with not implementing the powerful changes you’d otherwise learn in this summit.
You are okay with L’OrĂ©al, Nestle, Merck, McDonalds, and Monsanto dictating what health, beauty, and safety means and pulling the government’s strings.
You’d rather procrastinate when it comes to looking and feeling your best, living a long life, and making sure your best years start now.

Of course, this is all “tongue-in-cheek,” so

What You Will Soon Discover Will Change Your Life. Share It With Others and It Will Change Their Lives, Too.
You won’t appreciate The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit, though, if

You have no concerns about you or your loved ones getting Alzheimer’s, dementia, or suffering other brain issues as you get older.

You’re not interested in the most powerful secrets to fight cancer, autoimmune, diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases

You believe that getting older actually does mean becoming undesirable, incapable, doomed to suffering and disease, and past your best years.
Wrinkles, “turkey neck” and other sagging skin, age spots, bad posture, and other signs of early aging and looking too old too soon don’t bother you.
You’re willing to put up with that extra weight on your body, even if it means reducing the quality and length of your life.
With the overwhelming amount of “advice” out there, so much of it hype, you aren’t sure what truly works best… and you’re fine with that confusion.
You believe the 20s are the pinnacle of life, and hitting your 40s and beyond does mean, “It’s all downhill from here”
You’re willing to suffer the pain, low energy, and poor moods that come with not implementing the powerful changes you’d otherwise learn in this summit.
You are okay with L’OrĂ©al, Nestle, Merck, McDonalds, and Monsanto dictating what health, beauty, and safety means and pulling the government’s strings.
You’d rather procrastinate when it comes to looking and feeling your best, living a long life, and making sure your best years start now.

Of course, this is all “tongue-in-cheek,” so

If you’re ready to enjoy real CLARITY on the most effective steps to take now to look your best, feel your best, and live long doing it

Take action now and bring the Summit home.

As you can see, we’ve lined up the world’s most respected anti-aging and longevity doctors and researchers — from a range of different areas of expertise —  who are going to provide you the ultimate secrets on how to look your best, feel amazing, and live a long life doing it.

And we want to make sure you get the MAXIMUM benefit possible from this true once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Here’s What You are Getting
With Your Empowerment Package Order


Get Your Empowerment Package & Support Our Mission

Regular Price: $197

Fast Action One-Time Offer: $88

SAVE 55% right now on this page. Plus, you’re getting $1084.87 in instant FREE bonus gifts and the No-Risk 60-Day Total Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.

Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal

The Elderly Deserve to be Treated With Dignity Versus Suffering Abuse. Who Doesn't Agree With That, Right? Nonetheless...

For every Empowerment Package purchased, we make a donation to the Ageless Alliance, a non-profit dedicated to ending the abuse of the elderly in nursing homes and elsewhere. Because the elderly deserve to live in comfort and peace, not fear and pain. Unfortunately, the abuse of the elderly is a widespread yet far-too-little-discussed problem because it’s hidden behind closed doors: it’s estimated that 1 in 10 of the elderly — and 1 in 2 of those with dementia — suffer such abuse. We’re dedicated to exposing and eliminating this atrocity.

And There's More: You'll Get Instant Access to ALL These Bonus Gifts!

Bonus #1

The 2019 Food Revolution Summit

Ocean Robbins, John Robbins

Value: $197.00

WOW! Legendary bestselling author John Robbins interviews 24 of the top food experts on the planet, revealing the latest insights and breakthroughs to help you heal your body, and your world — with food!

You will get complete and unlimited access to ALL the expert Interviews PLUS complete written transcripts and Checklists — and $2,000+ worth of ADDITIONAL bonuses!

Bonus #2

Big Book of Green Smoothies

Robyn Openshaw / Green Smoothie Girl

Value: $9.95

Over 200 healthy, easy, and delicious smoothie recipes are yours instantly!

Smoothies are the perfect solution to a fast-paced, fast-food world. It’s a habit that can change your health dramatically. You’ll get over 40 of Robyn’s top smoothie recipes, and over 160 of the very best smoothie recipes contributed by readers.

Plus, 50 of their children’s photos landed on the pages of the print book, to put a smile on your face and to inspire your children and grandchildren to enjoy these tasty and ultra-healthy smoothies.

Bonus #3

Eat to Live: 6 Week Nutritarian Quick Start Guide

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Value: Exclusive!

This exclusive guide provided by Dr. Fuhrman in support of our mission here at The Art of Anti-Aging provides the essential insights you need to start improving your health and optimizing your weight right now!

You’ll get an overview of the Nutritarian diet and learn why eating nutrient-dense plant-based foods is key to avoiding disease and extending your longevity.

The guide offers important nutritional facts – you’ll learn what foods you should eat, and which ones you should avoid. You’ll also get practical tips for building a main dish salad, and a six-week plan that will help you reset your taste buds and transition to this incredibly healthy lifestyle.

Bonus #4

Women’s Guide to Solving Depression & Anxiety from Within

Jonathan Otto

Value: $29.99

Every year about a quarter of adult Americans deal with diagnosable mental health conditions. Too often we are told that mental illness is simply a hormonal imbalance and we are just genetically predisposed toward a particular mental health problem.

However, science is discovering that, while genetics certainly plays a role in all this, we are not doomed by them. The environment in which we live, and the choices we make, can alter our genetic expression. This is called epigenetics.

So, don’t fall for the dangerous myth that you were born with an imbalance and you may have to be on medication for life because of your depression, anxiety, or other mental illness. The statistics may seem staggering, but there is hope. Many people have been able to reverse their depression and anxiety with the tools you’ll discover in this important ebook.

Bonus #5

Dr. Mark Hyman’s Definitive Food Shoppers Guide PLUS Dr. Mark Hyman’s “What the Heck Should I Eat?” Food Roadmap

Dr. Mark Hyman

Combined Value: $60.00

In Dr. Mark Hyman’s 27-page Definitive Food Shoppers Guide, he debunks the big myths around eating a healthy diet and provides the essential principles to make shopping for food painless, quick, and joyful. You’ll discover how to shop healthy on a tight budget and in a time crunch.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hyman’s “What the Heck Should I Eat?” Food Roadmap provides a complete and concise breakdown of the Foods to Eat and the Foods to Avoid in every food category.

Bonus #6

The Complete Human Longevity Project “Gut & Immunity” Bundle

Jason Prall

Value: $89.00

You’ve heard that “good health begins in the gut,” right?  And you’ve heard of the microbiome and probiotics. However
 what are the essentials you truly need to know to apply the most cutting-edge insights in this important health area to YOUR life?  You’ll discover that in the Human Longevity Project “Gut & Immunity” Bundle, which includes:

  • Complete 44-page transcript on how to heal your gut with microbiologist Kiran Krishnan (do NOT miss this life-changing interview!)
  • Complete 12-page transcript of a powerful interview with “The Gut Goddess,” Dr. Grace Liu
  • Entire 28-page transcript of Episode 2 of The Humanity Longevity Project called “How Microbes Keep You FREE of Disease.” 
  • PLUS, “The 5 Gut Healing Foods” printable one-page easy reference Sheet

Bonus #7

The 7 Natural Keys to Wellness

Michael Murray

Value: $100.00

Dr. Michael Murray is widely considered one of the world’s foremost natural medicine authorities and is the author of 35 books with over 6 million copies in print.

In this remarkable guide that condenses essentials of what he’s learned in his 35-year career, you’ll discover why achieving health and wellness requires a “systems approach.”

This means you’ll want to focus your attention on all 7 key areas of natural health, which are each provided for you in this powerful must-read guide.

Bonus #8

The Brain Rejuvenation Guide

Sayer Ji

Value: $29.00

It is a commonly held misconception that the brain is beyond repair. Even the medical establishment has asserted that once we kill brain cells, they are lost forever. HOWEVER, modern science is now revealing that the brain is capable of repairing itself
 especially when given a little TLC.

In this important GreenMedInfo report, you will discover powerful, natural, evidence-based strategies for keeping your brain sharp and healthy as you age.

The earlier you begin addressing your brain’s particular needs and implementing the right lifestyle modifications, the greater your chances for preventing cognitive issues later in life!

And prevention is not the only option. The progression of neurodegenerative conditions such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and cognitive decline is preventable—and even reversible.

Key topics including brain elasticity, links between inflammation and brain disease, and key neuroprotective foods & supplements are all addressed in this special report.

Bonus #9

The Science of Longevity

Sayer Ji

Value: $29.00

What are the secrets of longevity? Some of them might surprise you. Can you predict how long you will live based on your parents’ lifespan? What are some sure-fire ways to shorten your life? If 25 percent of your longevity is determined by your genes, then what controls the other 75 percent?

Today scientists around the globe are investigating what it takes to do just that, and they are closer than ever before. Answers may arrive just in the nick of time because the “Silver Tsunami” is coming—a groundswell of older individuals who will be retiring and facing a variety of health and socioeconomic challenges, for themselves and for society as a whole.

This special report by GreenMedInfo provides an overview of what science says, to date, about why we age and what we can do to pull back the reins on Father Time.

Bonus #10

The Urban Monk Zen Meditation Digital Download PLUS The My Life Garden Worksheet

Pedram Shojai

Value: $50.00

This powerful 60-minute audio meditation track is narrated by Dr. Pedram Shojai, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Taoist monk who has studied with meditation masters around the world.

It is overlaid with Holosync brainwave meditation sounds that help induce the alpha state and eases you into a deep relaxed meditative state where stress is relieved and clarity is found.

Using this track regularly can truly change your relationship with stress and increase vitality.

PLUS, you’re also getting the My Life Garden worksheet. Simplicity is often genius, and this one-page guide is specifically designed to help you map out your life and get incredibly clear on what your goals and priorities are for the next 30-60-90 days.

Bonus #11

Know Your Body
 Because Your Body Knows

Razi Berry

Value: $10.00

“Interoception” is the process of how your brain receives and integrates signals arising from inside your body. You are constantly taking in data from the world around you with your 5 senses that culminate in the 6th sense. When we interrupt this process by eating processed foods, spending too much time under artificial light, or taking in artificial fragrances, we skew the chemosignaling process that helps us constantly communicate through us and to us.

This concise guide reveals Razi’s top 18 foods to unlock your intuition by supporting your interoceptive ability. PLUS, you’ll get the recipe for Razi’s Intuition Smoothie.

Bonus #12

The Sacred Science (Complete Online Screening)

Nick Polizzi

Value: $30.00

Witness the story of eight brave souls as they leave the developed world behind in search of deeper answers. Living in seclusion for one month in the heart of the Amazon jungle, these men and women take part in the powerful healing practices of Peru’s indigenous medicine men, working with centuries-old plant remedies and spiritual disciplines.

In their most desperate hour, these patients suffering from Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetes, Depression and Cancer are forced to confront not only their physical ailments, but their own spiritual and psychological barriers in the process.

Five will return with real results, two will return disappointed, and one won’t come back at all.

Bonus #13

Fasting Fat Burning Secrets

Dr. Daniel Pompa

Value: $24.97

Many people have become accustomed to not feeling well. They come to accept their maladies – such as weight gain, metabolic struggles, fatigue, headaches, mood swings, inflammation, and digestive issues – and attribute them to “getting older.” None of this is, of course, true.

And in this guide Dr. Pompa offers strategies to not only burn the fat, but restore health, including easy steps to “Eat Less by Eating Less Often” and much more.

Bonus #14

Complete 22-Page Transcript of the Renowned Interview with Dr. Burton Berkson, MD, MS, PhD, Curing Stage 4 Cancer and Terminal Liver Disease

Jonathan Landsman

Value: $50.00

Dr. Burton M. Berkson, M.D., M.S., Ph.D

Dr. Burton Berkson, MD, MS, PhD, is one of today’s most prominent integrative medicine practitioners – and an outspoken critic of our modern healthcare system and a pioneer in advances cases of cancer and liver disease.

In this renowned interview with Jonathan Landsman, created of NaturalHealth365.com, Dr. Berkson discusses alpha lipoic acid and other very little-known approaches he’s used with patients that everyone needs to know
 especially those facing cancer, liver disease, and also autoimmune and other diseases.

Bonus #15

Vibrant Glow: The Secret to Visibly Reducing Your Age with Stem Cells

The Healing Miracle

Value: $47.00

What exactly are stem cells, and how can you use them to enjoy far smoother, younger-looking skin
 and to stop pain, enjoy greater flexibility and range of motion, and live longer?

You’ll discover all the keys you need to know in this practical 64-page guide that clarifies the cutting-edge and increasingly important area of stem cell therapy.

Bonus #16

Bright Line Eating 14-Day Challenge PLUS
3 Bonus Reports

Susan Pierce Thompson

Combined Value: $29.00

Bright Line Eating is not a diet and not a food plan—it’s an entirely new way of living. The 14-Day Challenge gives you a exclusive access to experience for yourself what Bright Line living feels like.

You will be guided, step-by-step, through each day of your two-week experience with lessons that are both scientifically grounded and incredibly practical.

Plus, you’re getting 3 important bonus reports: 

  • The 3 Huge Mistakes That Almost Everyone Makes When They Try to Lose Weight
  • The 5 Tools for Success
  • The Two-Minute Trick That Triples Your Odds of Eating Healthy the Next Day

Bonus #17

The Hormone Balance Blueprint PLUS
The 7 Day Hormone Recharge

Dr. Michelle Sands

Combined Value: $128

The Hormone Balance Blueprint is designed to help you understand which hormones are out of balance using the 3 minute hormone quiz, and gives you the tools necessary to bring harmony back to your hormones including tips on hormone balancing nutrition, sleep, lifestyle choices, lab testing and more.

The 7 Day Hormone Recharge is a physician created plan to jumpstart hormone balance and renew, revitalize and recharge your body and mind in just 7 days 

Some benefits you can expect:

  • Decrease abdominal bloating, gas and digestive distress
  • Lose 3-5 pounds of fat
  • Improve moods, mental clarity and confidence
  • Dramatically increase your energy and well being
  • Significantly boost productivity, so you can get more done in less time
  • Increase sex drive and improve relationships
  •  Improve skin clarity and tone for a fresher more youthful glow

Bonus #18

Heal Your Gut with Essential Oils (2nd Ed)

Dr. Eric Zielinski

Value: $24.99

YES, you’re getting the COMPLETE 136-page and brand NEW updated and expanded second edition of Dr. Zielinski’s #1 bestselling book in digital form.

This includes an expanded safety section
 tips on how to properly ingest essential oils
 recent research updates
 and even more recipes.

And, of course, it includes the complete guide for using essential oils for diabetes, cancer, anxiety, nausea, indigestion, and MUCH more.

Bonus #19

Eat Love Nourish: 25 Delicious Recipes & A Beginner’s Guide to Meal Prep

Kristin Cyr

Value: $19.97

You’re getting 25 new and easy plant-based recipes for delicious, healthy eating all week long.

PLUS, you’ll get a clear and concise understanding of the best ways to build a positive environment around foods, how to be mindful of what your body really needs, why understanding ingredients and where they came from is so vital, and much more!

Bonus #20

The Top Supplements for Energy Enhancement

Ari Whitten

Value: $27

Ready to learn how a small handful of nutritional supplements can potentially DOUBLE your energy levels within a month or less? It is possible!

In this incredible guide from The Energy Blueprint team, you’ll learn the top non-stimulant compounds to increase your energy levels and optimize your mitochondria, the special compound (you’ve likely never heard of) that has been proven to increase your energy levels by a whopping 40% in just a few weeks, 4 key compounds that can dramatically enhance your brain’s performance and mood (and even combat brain fog and depression), and much more.

Bonus #21

Nature’s Top 10 Most Effective Anti-Aging & Longevity Ingredients to Use on Your Skin

Brian Vaszily

Value: $20

In this important new research-based report, you’re going to discover the crucial steps to take proper care of your skin so you can quickly enjoy your healthiest- and youngest-looking skin – and all the health benefits that come with it.

You will discover:

  • The exact reasons why most people are unknowingly abusing their skin today
 and the clear and easy steps to avoid these mistakes
  • 5 of the worst offenders that can lead to prematurely “old-looking” skin – and potential health problems
  • Why you must BEWARE of cosmetics merely calling themselves “organic” and “natural”
  • The 3 Golden Rules you’ll want to follow when choosing any cosmetic

And – of course – you’re going to discover 10 of nature’s most effective ingredients to topically apply to your skin for the depth and range of benefits they provide you.

Bonus #22

The Top 13 Cancer-Causing Chemicals in Common Cosmetics, Food and Cleaners

Brian Vaszily

Value: $20

Chemicals that are known to cause cancer are surprisingly allowed in – and quite prevalent in – certain cosmetics, foods, and cleaning products.

It is vitally important to watch labels for these ingredients. In this must-read new research-based report, you are going to find out the top 15 common carcinogenic chemicals to beware of most.

For example, you’ll discover:

  • Why you must avoid specific face, body, and hair products containing a chemical that has been classified as a human carcinogen by the EPA, Department of Health and Human Services, and the IARC.
  • The ingredient BANNED for use in foods in Canada, the European Union, and Brazil because of its high cancer-causing potential that is still ALLOWED and quite common in certain popular foods in the U.S.
  • The ingredient linked to bladder cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma used widely in certain cleaning products.


Plus, you’ll find out the safer alternatives to consider in place of products containing these harmful ingredients.

Bonus #23

The Highly Effective 7-Day Anti-Anxiety and 7-Day Deep Sleep audio series

Cory Muscara

Value: $60

In the 7-Day Anti-Anxiety audio series, you’ll be gently guided through Cory Muscara’s 7 short and most effective meditations to quickly calm your nerves, relax your thoughts, calm your body, and enjoy a deeply peaceful inner-state.

In the 7-Day Sleep audio series, you’ll be gently guided through Cory Muscara’s 7 short and most effective meditations to quickly relax your mind, and calm your body and emotions, to fall asleep and enjoy a deep, restful sleep all night.

Total Value of Bonuses: Over $1084.87

Act now on this offer
 you’re getting the complete recordings and transcripts of the The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit summit for life.

Our 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Take up to 60 days to make use of the entire The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit Empowerment Package.

We guarantee that you and those you share it with will discover the proven most powerful secrets to look and feel your best
 avoid serious diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer
 and live long and well

… From beautiful skin, clear eyes, and a healthy posture… to a clear and focused brain and peak energy and moods… to a pain-free and fit body … now and very late into life.

Your total satisfaction is essential to us!

If for some reason you aren’t 100% thrilled with your purchase, you have a full 60 days to request a prompt, courteous, no-questions-asked refund. Just email us at customerservice@TheArtofAntiAging.com.

And if you do request a refund, everything you’ve downloaded from your Empowerment Package is still yours to keep – including all the bonuses!

With this truly risk-free guarantee, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain, so take advantage of our very special offer on this page available to you today!

Yes Brian, Please Give me TOTAL ACCESS to The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit Empowerment Package.

Get Your Empowerment Package & Support Our Mission

Regular Price: $197

Fast Action One-Time Offer: $88

SAVE 55% right now on this page. Plus, you’re getting $1084.87 in instant FREE bonus gifts and the No-Risk 60-Day Total Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.

Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal

The Elderly Deserve to be Treated With Dignity Versus Suffering Abuse. Who Doesn't Agree With That, Right? Nonetheless...

For every Empowerment Package purchased, we make a donation to the Ageless Alliance, a non-profit dedicated to ending the abuse of the elderly in nursing homes and elsewhere. Because the elderly deserve to live in comfort and peace, not fear and pain. Unfortunately, the abuse of the elderly is a widespread yet far-too-little-discussed problem because it’s hidden behind closed doors: it’s estimated that 1 in 10 of the elderly — and 1 in 2 of those with dementia — suffer such abuse. We’re dedicated to exposing and eliminating this atrocity.

“There is so much crucial knowledge on how to look and feel younger, avoid disease and live longer that people aren’t hearing nearly enough about. Natural health veteran Brian Vaszily is pulling together today’s top anti-aging and longevity experts to reveal the most powerful of those little-known insights, and to say you don’t want to miss this event is an understatement. Awaiting you within this summit are the answers you seek that will change your life.”

-Dr. Eric Zielinski, leading natural health doctor, producer, The Hope for Breast Cancer

With Your Order Today You Support
Our IMPORTANT Mission (Thank You)

This is the lowest price the Empowerment Package will be available at, PLUS you now have the opportunity to create profoundly positive changes for yourself and others, too…

The destructive lies about getting older are everywhere
 TV shows, movies, commercials, magazines, and the list goes on.

They undoubtedly hit women the hardest.

And the false and toxic “solutions” of the cosmetic, drug, and food industries that prey on the anxiety and fear perpetuated by these myths are everywhere.

In fact, they have many people actually believing these are the best and only solutions available
 that chemical-laced cosmetics = anti-aging, and that drugs and processed “designer-foods” = health and longevity!

It is beyond appalling, because this dangerous mindset causes even more than unnecessary fear, guilt, anxiety, and low self-confidence
 it causes early aging, obesity, and deadly diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Enough is enough... do you agree?

As author and visionary R. Buckminster Fuller said…

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. 

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Our mission is not to fight those behemoth industries with their billions of dollars.

Our mission is to help people bypass them completely, and to be empowered with the “new model” that truly does equal the healthiest, most effective steps to look your best, feel your best, avoid and even overcome disease, and live a long life doing it.

Whatever your age, wherever you are on your journey, and whatever you desire most — from smooth, beautiful skin to a strong and clear brain, from pain-free joints and peak energy to a fit and supple body very late into life — profoundly positive change is inevitable for you with what you’ll discover in The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit.

And an amazing thing happens when people en masse are empowered with these life-changing answers: profoundly positive change is inevitable in our world.

So please do strongly consider supporting our mission with the Empowerment Package available at its very lowest price on this page below today

Please do share your Empowerment Package with your family and friends, especially those in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond who need it most

And enjoy all the “little-knowns” you’re about to discover and the powerful and positive health- and life-changes they truly have in store for YOU.

Please do yourself a favor and don’t miss a moment of this monumentally important summit. Brian Vaszily is renowned for getting the truly valuable insights that make the biggest difference in people’s lives from those he interviews. And in this unique summit, he’s going to have the world’s top longevity experts reveal their most powerful but little-known insights of all, so it is going to be a life-changer.

—Jason Prall, longevity researcher, filmmaker, The Human Longevity Project

Get Your Empowerment Package
& Support Our Mission

Regular Price: $197

Fast Action One-Time Offer: $88

SAVE 55% right now on this page.
Plus, you’re getting $1084.87 in instant FREE bonus gifts and the
No-Risk 60-Day Total Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.




Regular Price: $197
Special Early Bird Price Right Here: Just $88
Get your 55% off savings right here, enjoy
immediate access to all your bonuses, and
thank you for supporting our mission

The Elderly Deserve to be Treated With Dignity Versus Suffering Abuse. Who Doesn't Agree With That, Right? Nonetheless...

For every Empowerment Package purchased, we make a donation to the Ageless Alliance, a non-profit dedicated to ending the abuse of the elderly in nursing homes and elsewhere. Because the elderly deserve to live in comfort and peace, not fear and pain. Unfortunately, the abuse of the elderly is a widespread yet far-too-little-discussed problem because it’s hidden behind closed doors: it’s estimated that 1 in 10 of the elderly — and 1 in 2 of those with dementia — suffer such abuse. We’re dedicated to exposing and eliminating this atrocity.

“Do yourself a favor and listen closely to this important summit!”

—Dr. Kristi Funk, MD, world-renowned breast health expert

“This summit promises to be one of the most important events in years. Who doesn’t want to learn little-known steps that make the biggest difference in terms of looking and feeling your best and living long?”

—Dr. Susan Peirce-Thompson, Bright Line Eating

“If you’re truly looking to make positive changes this year, don’t miss a moment of this particular summit.”

—Dr. Pedram Shojai, Well.Org, Vitality, The Urban Monk

“When you tune in, and apply what you learn, your life will grow in health and in happiness.”

—Ocean Robbins, Food Revolution Network

“Brian Vaszily is renowned for getting the truly valuable insights that make the biggest difference in people’s lives from those he interviews
 This is going to be a life-changer.

—Jason Prall, The Human Longevity Project

“With so many of the world’s top longevity and anti-aging experts in this one event
 you’re in for a truly life-changing experience.

—Jonathan Otto, Health Secrets
© The Art of Anti-Aging LLC - All rights reserved

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